Friday, August 14, 2009

The latest news

I'm not sure if anyone is actually watching since no-one replied to my last blog!! However, my coach said she tried to but was stopped by some site restriction that even her high-tech son couldn't figure out a way around (I think you have to join google to comment) I guess at least someone was there reading. I'll keep going & see what happens next! The invitation is still open--talk to me!!!

My art sale last week was a bit slower than I expected, didn't sell any originals (nor did many others, I gather), however was very happy to have some sales of my magical reproductions & cards. It was also a great networking opportunity as there were lots of fabulous artists there, and I got lots of interest in my "Magic Box Draw" (guess what's in the magic box) & am just about to send out the winners' names to all who wanted to hear more about magic, from my new email address We'll see how that translates into further interest in my paintings, calendars for 2010, and other items with art on them (original and reproduction) that I'm creating. If you want to know more, email me there & I'll tell you what I've got!

And, I'm taking further steps regarding website development, marketing & branding with a wonderful experienced man who my coach introduced me to today. I'm very excited about seeing what magic he can add to the business of art, particularly MY business in art!

So while Michael is thinking about what he might be able to do for me, I'm taking this weekend off the art business & spending some good home-time with hubby & my own place--the grass needs mowing, hubby has volunteered to make me a display rack for my work for next weekend's sale at Minnekhada Lodge in Port Coquitlam (just google it for directions, it's out in the country as it was originally a hunting lodge for a Governor or Lieutenant-General in the 1920's). August 22/3, 11-4 both days, and I'll be inside the lodge (there are other artists outside along with musicians, cafe for food, even a magician--besides me--apparently!)

So, that's the update for today--hope you're enjoying following my trail!

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