Friday, July 24, 2009

Away with the fairies

No, I don't mean, "away with them", like, they should all be exterminated, or anything like that...I meant, today I'm "away with the fairies" on some magical journey...a further iteration of the Magical Mystery Tour, I think.
After my coaching session yesterday, with my Irish-blooded coach in my garden which she called "magic", she suggested I watch for fairies in the garden. And, this morning, when I was out there writing in my journal, the most miraculous thing happened.

I'm going to quote from my journal, I must warn you, THIS REALLY HAPPENED!!
So, here goes:

(I'm generating ideas for my magical business here--give me feedback if you like!)

Maybe I could magically send my fairies to give some corporate messages..Or send myself "Representing magic & fairies in the world" through my art & other magical ways...promoting magic & art in the world...working magic with art & Ink.

(Looking out into my garden now where a hummingbird just swooped down for about 3 seconds)

The fairies even get rides on the hummingbirds. I didn't have my glasses on but I swear I heard one laughing on the back of the hummingbird that hovered to say good morning & then flew back to the shade of the big fir to deposit her. Something like a helicopter ride but even better--more natural!

(& looking downwards, towards my journal)

In the corner of my eye, I just saw some little shimmers of fairy wings approaching across the patio. And now one's sitting reading what I've written about them. Aren't they gorgeous little creatures!

(And then I heard clearly & started writing)

"I'm not a c r e a t u ! !

(you have to imagine this in ink writing, the fading type was the best I could do on this blog program.) Just to prove her power she ran me out of ink!!! So, luckily I had my favourite PHN pen with a wedge-shaped yellow highlighter on the end so I just turned it over & started using the point to write, very finely,)

Fooled you~ (ok, originally I typed this in the yellow colour that I wrote " fooled you" in, which was a lovely clear lemon yellow, but it's way too hard to read on the computer so I'll darken it a little for your reading pleasure. Say, maybe that's why we don't notice fairies writing on the internet--we can't read the colour they write in, we only notice that things don't work for mysterious reasons, sometimes? Anyway, I digress)

Fooled you--I have a magic highlighter *#$(@( (I can't read this bit because the gold is too faint & I must have scribbled so I can't tell that word) pens to continue. And this is much more lovely & vibrant & fairy-like writing anyway. I guess you were just showing me a better way, eh? Well, Thanks! (because at this point I didn't want to write anything else that could be construed as nasty & have her jinx me again, or take off)

So, should I write about you to Terry? Tell him how gorgeous you are & see if he'll have you come to stay & inspire his muse both at home & at work? (Terry's my wonderful cousin who writes music & plays it as well as doing a huge corporate job in Calgary, & who's said he'll coach me in 2 1/2 years when he retires) Oh, you have to get to know him first, eh? Ok, well, let's start writing him some emails. You can skip through the ether & watch him reading. Maybe you'd like to talk to the big corporate honcho & work some magic on him? Maybe he'd write a song about you? Ok, you'll have to hear his music first to see if you'd like that. Ok, well, somehow we'll have to organize a secret way for you to hear it, I guess.

At this point, I was at the bottom of the page, so I turned the page over to 2 blank pages (as you do when you're writing in a journal) and sat there for no more than 30 seconds, mulling about what to write next, when "poof" she disappeared.

Guess she was easily bored--I'm told that fairies have the attention span of a gnat (not, however, wanting to insult them, I might add that I sometimes do too...& I have said that out loud about myself too, as well as written it.) So hopefully she didn't/doesn't see that & decide to never again grace me with her presence for all of eternity.

Well folks, I hope you enjoyed that fairy story (& really, I must protest--it was real, not a fairy tale--I have the proof of it in my journal...which I might show to, if you offered me a significant amount of money...MAYBE! )
But Lauren knows it's real, I showed it to her as I read it out loud, and we might start writing fairy messages in yellow or gold, on things to sell--that would be called, original art, I do believe!) and that's all for the evening.

I'm going off to create some magic (maybe black?) with my friend She-rah Queen of TELUSwhat you think (at least until she gets a buyout), & my sister, who creates her magic in gardens & garden designs. Maybe you want her to design something magical for you??? Her name is Phyllis & if you leave me a note I'll put you in touch with her!

Ciao for now, the fairies are waving goodbye too. bye bye! Do you see one sitting on the corner of your computer desk? (They don't like electricity much I'm told, so they wouldn't be there for long). I'm told trolls & things are much hardier creatures against the electrical vibrations of our modern world so it's no wonder if there's lots of those hanging around corporate offices (I think that was a joke).
Signing off...

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