Monday, July 20, 2009

My Magical Mystery Tour is coming to take me away

Hopefully that's not a copyright infringement??? With credit to the Beatles...a long-time favorite!

What's happened since my last post? Well, I can see my game plan for the business starting to fall into place--& I'm not going to get the results I intend from selling my original art alone, being in the watercolour field (that is, until after I'm dead...then apparently the prices go up dramatically. Still, I'm not willing to sacrifice myself for that!! And I'm delighted at this point to be well ahead of Vincent Van Gogh--on the sales side at least!--who only sold one painting before he--sadly and much too prematurely--offed himself.) So, I've been looking at ways of having my art (& in future other artist's work) reproduced into beautiful & functional multi-purpose items, & getting these visual reminders of my art out into the world. My intent is to test market them at the 2 art shows I'm in in August. It would be great to add some income for both realizing dreams as well as contributing to more charitable organizations including supporting other artists. I foresee in my crystal ball that I'm doing this mystery tour for not only my own art but making provision in my plans for including other artists through my website (under development...and I'll let you know in this blog when & where it's up and running, as, my wise future coach says that the website is the proper place for a blog. Once the website is up this blog will be transitioned onto it, per his suggestion. Very good coaching, as is the recommendation of my first & current wise & magical coach to just start blogging in the meanwhile!)

I've just put an order in for some bags with my logo on them, ready for the first show. The next item on the drawing board, after postcards, greeting cards, fridge magnet lists, 2010 calendar-- all with my art on them, is a line of journals & art books so I'm very excited to be meeting with a local printer tomorrow, with my trusty assistant Lauren, beside me. She's proving to be multi-talented and handling all kinds of details for me, including some Photo-shop logo development as I don't have time to start off learning it right now, let alone get art-work into printers under deadlines as she did this weekend! One of the best decisions I've made so far is hiring her! She is magic herself! However she's digging in her heels when I try to coax her into visiting a cemetary to find a wreath stand, which my local watercolour artist friends say is what I really need to get to display my framed originals at the sales. Something about--"you'd have to pay me double overtime to go to a graveyard"... I don't understand why! Other than that little blip our joint spell-casting seems to be working wonders on everyone we meet as well as each other!

And I'm wondering, are you being influenced by "my magic"? I'm feeling like I want to spread it everywhere, through my work...and can I do it through technology (like this blog) too? What are your wildest dreams & how can I help you make them come true in the best magical sense--invisible, easy, just appears in front of you like it was meant to be...? Conjured up out of nowhere...miraculous & incredible... Let me know if I've had some magical effect in your life, either by commenting on this blog (I think you have to sign up with Google to do that) or through the "old-fashioned technology" of email...or maybe through a "Note from the Universe" which is a great website that sends me a fantastically cool and inspiring email every weekday morning & I just love reading--google TUT & see what you think. If I could do something like that on the web I'd be over the moon! (some people think I am already...)

That's it for today, I've still not had time to try the suggested "system restore" method to recover the 2nd half of my deleted email list--thanks to the exceptionally quick response by Joan who had replied before I even had time to cry--& has poked me again to see if I've done it yet--while I was out playing with my husband today (I love my play-time with him & that takes priority over this, sorry folks but that's just how it is & you'll have to get used to that!)

I'm really loving blogging, writing, generating ideas & putting them in ink (practising calligraphy at the same time) on paper--and it's been more compelling than putting paint to paper right now so I hope I've got enough original stock to get me through the 2 art sales!! (of course, it would be magical to sell out--then what would I do??? I'm sure I could find something though!)

Ok, that really is it for today, 2nd warning to self!! See you again soon--stay tuned for further adventures!


  1. Yes Elaine, I've been influenced by "your magic" but it's because of the person you are and not because you are a talented artist. (It wouldn't matter in the slightest to me if it was all you could do to put wood preservative on a garden shed.) Mind you, having a relative who's gonna be a famous artist is kinda cool !!!! It sounds as though you have a whole lotta exciting things going on right now. I hope it exceeds your expectations. I'm sure it's gonna be awesome !!!! Best Wishes. Mike

  2. I hate putting wood preservative on garden sheds!! Give me a blank piece of paper any day!
